Frankenweenie is a 2012 American 3D stop-motion-animated fantasy horror comedy film directed by Tim Burton and produced by Walt Disney Pictures. Kim was proud to work as an Animator on this highly acclaimed movie. (Please note that shots presented with a red X were not animated by Kim.) Credits Directed by Tim Burton Written […]
Fantastic Mr Fox
Kim served as Key Animator on this groundbreaking film. Check out some of the scenes she animated here. Credits Directed by Wes Anderson Written by Wes Anderson, Noah Baumbach Based on Roald Dahl‘s novel ‘Fantastic Mister Fox’ Produced by Allison Abbate, Wes Anderson, Jeremy Dawson, Scott Rudin Animation Director Mark Gustafson Animation Supervisor Mark […]
Isle of Dogs
Kim formed part of a team of Lead Animators on this delightful stop-motion animated film written and directed by Wes Anderson, produced by Indian Paintbrush and American Empirical Pictures. It features an incredible cast including Bryan Cranston, Edward Norton, Bill Murray, Jeff Goldblum, Bob Balaban. It was the opening film of the 68th Berlin International Film […]
Continuing a run of outstanding credits working on box office smashes, Kim formed part of the team of animators bringing Guillermo del Toro’s “Pinocchio” to life. In this clip, you can see Kim’s skillful animation of “Volpe”, the villain. Credits Directed by Guillermo del Toro, Mark Gustafson Screenplay by Guillermo del Toro, Patrick McHale Story […]
Asteroid City
Here’s a character that you may recognise! Have a look at Kim’s craft in animating these scenes with this well known creature from another dimension. Credits Directed by Wes Anderson Production companies – American Empirical Pictures, Indian Paintbrush Full credits available here