Legal & General - 'Planet Friendly Parenting'
Animation is a unique and captivating art form that has the power to bring any story to life. At A+C Studios, we specialise in stop-motion and 2D animation, offering a range of services that cater to all your creative needs. Whether you need an engaging video for your brand, a fun social media ad, or a captivating short film, we’ve got you covered.
As for our latest project, ‘Planet Friendly Parenting’ for Legal and General, we’re excited to showcase the beauty and simplicity of 2D animation. With a clean and minimalistic design, each scene highlights the characters and their message. We even went as far as incorporating Legal & General’s logo colours into the character’s clothing, making it a cohesive and
Animation is a powerful tool that can take your brand to the next level. Let our animation studios bring your ideas to life, and together, we can create something truly unforgettable.