The Margate Map

Margate is not just “on the up”. It’s well and truly up and running. Margate today is somewhere that London’s bright young things want to come and live. An unprecedented number of creatives left their beloved Hackney and Peckham for Margate’s beautiful sunsets. The crew at A+C adore Margate, and we want to give you the lowdown, so you get the most out of your visit. Download the map or scroll down to our 101 things to do in Margate

101 Things To Do In Margate

Last updated 1-24 April 2024

Our number one is essential.

1. Visit A+C. Studio Come and drool at our spacious and well-equipped studio, meet the makers and feel the magic of stop-motion – better still, make a weekend of it and give the 100 other highlights a whirl.